Benefits of a Call Center BSC

Use of Balanced Scorecard is highly recommended for major businesses. Of course, there is sense in BSC use in small businesses, although one has to be very cautious in this case since small business cannot afford huge investments in BSC. When it comes to implementation of Balanced Scorecard in big companies, top management and business owners (or whoever makes a decision to implement BSC) have to take into account numerous factors in order to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. Every business and industry is individual and thus should solve various problems. Sure thing, advantages of Balanced Scorecard also differ from industry to industry. This article will talk about pros of BSC in call centers and customer support services.

Some of major call center KPIs

Some of major call center KPIs

Cost saving. After Balanced Scorecard is successfully implemented in a call center or a customer support service, managers will be able to track expenses related to communication with customers, maintenance costs, salaries etc. BSC will demonstrate how efficiently money is being spent. For example, such indicators as average cost per call or office maintenance cost per square meter will help tom managers analyze expenses and think of the ways to cut costs whenever possible. Ratio of cost call and revenue per successful call (in case a call center sells products or services) vividly demonstrates efficiency of a call center and possible ways to improve performance. This takes us to the second point.

Pros of call center BSC

Pros of call center BSC

Performance improvement. Without any doubt, BSC helps improve performance of a call center in terms of current operations and implementation of strategic goals. Balanced Scorecard will offer top management all information about current performance. As such, managers will be able to amend and correct the way a call center functions based on information received from Balanced Scorecard. For example, if a top manager notices that sales offers per call is going down which decreases overall sales volume, he or she will definitely ask call center operators to pay a special attention to this indicator. Besides, BSC makes it possible to focus on the most important indicators having an exceptional importance.

Employees motivation. It needs mentioning that BSC never works in a call center (as well as any other business unit) only in case it is accepted by everyone. A call center operator will only use BSC if he understands personal benefits for himself/herself. Thus, top management should create comprehensive motivation and compensation systems for personnel which will definitely improve performance.

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