How does a call center benefit from BSC?

When it comes to evaluation of company or business unit performance it is very important to use the right metrics. This can be compared to use of the right ruler when measuring length. If you have got the ruler showing the wrong measures you will get the wrong figures now matter how hard you try and what measurement methods you employ. The same concerns performance evaluation. If you measure only such KPIs as average office space required for one employee or employee short term sickness rate you will surely fail in evaluation of business efficiency. Sure, these secondary KPIs can help optimize performance and even reduce costs but they do not directly influence implementation of strategic goals. Choice of the wrong indicators is quite a common mistake among companies that decided to implement Balanced Scorecard in an individual department. What are the most suitable departments for BSC implementation? These are call centers, HR and IT departments. This article will talk on implementation of Balanced Scorecard in a call center.

Call center metrics

Call center metrics

To begin with, we need to define Balanced Scorecard. This is a revolutionary performance evaluation and strategic management tool developed by business gurus Norton and Kaplan who were the first to introduce non-financial indicators to the set of measures for business performance evaluation. Balanced Scorecard help design strategy maps that demonstrate cause and effect ties between the indicators and BSC categories (financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth).

A call center has own specifics. This business unit directly contacts customers, and company revenues directly depend on performance of a call center. How is that possible? It is quite simple! If a customer is satisfied with quality of support offered by a call center operator, he or she will certainly buy from the same company as soon as he or she needs a particular product. Sales call centers also generate income by offering products and services to existing and potential customers.

Most important call center KPIs

Most important call center KPIs

Thus, successful implementation of Balanced Scorecard in a call center will certainly improve its performance and consequently customer satisfaction that in its turn results in growth of sales and revenue. It is extremely important to use the right metrics. Never forget about the most important indicators like cost and revenue per call, number of first resolution calls, abandoned calls rate, customer satisfaction rate, employee satisfaction (satisfied employees usually have satisfied customers) and a number of others.

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