What is the most valuable indicator to be measured in a call center? What are those factors that affect the performance of this organization? Experts believe that there are dozens of call center KPIs that are worth measuring, but it is not easy to define the most significant and valuable of them. Meanwhile, understanding of the problems that prevent your business from advancement is the key to its proper management. So, if you cannot choose factors to be measured in your call center, you will not be able to manage your business effectively.
If you focus on outbound telemarketing issues, then the following call center metrics will be essential here: productivity metrics, those that are applied to measure the efficiency of sales lead programs and indicators used to estimate list efficacy.
Productivity metrics are subdivided into primary and secondary. Primary indicators are those that should be measured regularly in order to trace the performance of your organization. These involve the conversion ratio, the percentage of good and bad sales or leads, the amount of dials per hour, the number of sales and leads per hour, the percentage of sales etc. Secondary indicators should not be measured as often as primary ones. They are mainly analyzed when there are any problems associated with primary productivity metrics. These include the amount of non-interested customers per hour, the percentage of bad numbers dialed during one hour etc.
Lead quality metrics are useful when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of lead generation programs. They are especially important when it is not possible to track the productivity of current sales. By implementing these metrics, call center managers are able to monitor lead potential/quality almost every day. To trace lead qualification, they take into account the following criteria: purchase time frame and quantity, decision-making roles etc. Some organizations tend to classify leads with regard to those achievements they make within each criteria mentioned above. Other call centers, however, subdivide leads into three groups, namely cold, warm and hot. It depends upon the success of sales lead management programs this or that company uses.
List efficacy metrics prove to be another essential part when it comes to measuring the effectiveness and performance of any outbound call center. They are worked out to analyze the contactibility of your organization, the percentage of unreachable and bad numbers, the amount of sales and revenue per hour, the approximate lead and close ratios etc.
Just try to comprise and analyze these metrics regularly and you will be surprised with your business performance.