An Explanation of Call Center Dashboard

A call center is no doubt one of the most widespread places wherein a digital dashboard is properly utilized in order to keep track of and scrutinize a substantial amount of data that is generated and produced. They have some very set parameters like tracking the number of calls received. Thus we have comprehensive information about the labor force and a fourth tab that would handle all sorts of training development programs and sessions effectively. These tabs are therefore uniquely exemplified using flash based charts that allow for utmost customization.

The first tab would actually handle call statistics. This will be efficiently managed with a 3D column chart which can be developed in a way to point up all these call factors in solitary chart and will be customized to make screening and considering it a breeze. If we make use of the Y-axis to scheme the number and the other two axes to contrive the call acknowledged and the calls shoot up, then drill down chances would clear the situation to us what the normal hold time was. This will not only let us to comprehend what the efficacy of the corporate workforce was and but also allow us to know what the rate of calling is.

Skill set is quite relevant with regard to output and number of calls answered adequately. Each member of the staff in a call center industry has a different skills and competencies than the other employees of the organization. This shows that the skills of the corporate employees vary and also imitate in their aptitude and efficiency. Dashboard charts within this tab would therefore prove us how the workers of the staff under different skills and competencies are performing their roles in the business organization. The uppermost skills level would demand a better-quality show that the new learners and new corporate trainees. So these dash charts would show how many calls have been adequately answered and how many of them disastrous.

Drill-down options would make these charts more efficient and useful and will be utilized to hold information for instance name of most hard working and dedicating member of staff and also let the viewer to measure the actual performance levels of the business employees.

The third tab would show the personnel details i.e. division of employees in keeping with departments and also names, numbers and salaries of the human resources. If we illustrate the departments on dissimilar columns and make use of the Y-axis to demonstrate the number of members in each department, then we can pile each column in proportion to sex and add drill-down options to take us to charts demonstrating the details of each branch i.e. head of the department, tenure, and skills levels of each employee of the company.

Training development programs and sessions are the integral parts of the dashboard and can be customized and color coded to give you an idea about each level in a different color and make use of drill-down options to give details for instance trainee performance, and test results.

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