Number of handled calls vs. number of problems solved

Implementation of balanced scorecard seems like an easy process.  Indeed, all you have to do is to choose the right indicators in the four categories: financial, customer, internal processes, of learning and growth.  It goes without saying that the company that wishes to implement balanced scorecard needs to have a comprehensive strategy.  The greatest advantage of balanced scorecard is its ability to put strategy into action.  However, with the wrong choice of key performance indicators balance scorecard will surely fail to bring any positive results.

How first resolution calls help company obtain financial results

How first resolution calls help company obtain financial results

In case of a call center a variety of aspects needs to be taking into account.  First and foremost, it is necessary to identified goals of a call center.  If this is a customer support service its key goal is to resolve customer Problems and answer their questions to keep customer satisfied.  If a call center sells the key goal would be increase of revenue from sales.  Only having established comprehensive strategic goals it is possible to move forward in implementation of BSC.

Let’s analyze the work of the customer support service.  As already set above its key goal is to keep customer satisfied by resolving their problems in answering their questions on products, services, technical issues etc.

What are success drivers in call center?

What are success drivers in call center?

Often, managers all of call centers make a fatal mistake of introducing such an indicator as number of customers served during 1 hour.  Of course, this indicator is OK, since the more customers are served, the better.  But the goal of customer support service is resolve problems of customers.  A call center operator may handle 20 calls per hour but all those 20 customers would and conversation without their problems solved and questions answered.  In such a case the work of a call center would seem just great and calls handling capacity will increase.  But that will have nothing to do with the company strategic goals, like improving customer satisfaction.  Satisfied customer is more likely to buy again from the company and become a regular customer, i.e. regular source of income.

Thus, it is necessary to balance such indicator with another one – number of problems resolved per hour.  This indicator would certainly show progress of the company towards strategic goals of improving customer satisfaction.  Number of first resolution calls should be always increasing.  Any call center should have the separate group of expert to resolve problem calls with complex problems.

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