Help Desk metrics focus on measuring customer service performance.
This metric focuses on more specific details than Customer Relationship metrics providing more indicators for evaluation of customer support service.
Help Desk indicators are grouped into fours categories:
- Service Excellence. This group contains four customer service specific indicators: Customer Satisfaction, Response Time, The call abandon rate, Employee Proficiency.
- Program Excellence. This group helps to evaluate how good are solutions that customer service provide, indicators for this group are: Call Volume, Solution Accuracy, Reliability of Predefined Solutions, Tracking Accuracy.
- Performance Excellence. Helps to estimate overall performance of customer service, include such indicators as First Time Settlement, Resolution Excellence, Resolution Time, Agent Commitment.
- Quantitative Control. This group of indicators give a quality control over help desk performance, use indicators: Number of calls, Time controller, Opened tickets, Closed tickets.
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I don’t see any changes in your trail versions when I make changes. Pleaes advise
Hi, Allen. That’s why it is “trial” version. We show some part of what you will have in full version, but you don’t have some functions. In full version, if you change numbers, the resulted performance will change appropriately.